Dr. of Techn. Sci. prof. of the chair
“Theoretical mechanics”
Azerbaijan Architectural
Civil Engineering University
Scientific works title |
Printed or manuscript |
Publishing Hause magazine (number) year |
Number of print papers |
Surname of coauthors |
Investigation of tensions of poligonplatc with help of unlenear elasticity theory (in Russian) |
publ. |
Proceedings A.S. Azerb. Repub.Physics and Mathematics, 1975, N 3, p. 104-108 |
4 |
Plates and shells of variable width (in Russian) |
publ. |
Applied Mechanics, v.15, N 10, 1970, p. 70-74 |
G.P.Cherepanov |
Lase of rolling prismatic bars with central circular cavity (in Russian) |
publ. |
Proceedings A.S. Azerb. Repub. Physics and Mathematics, 1981, N 2, p. 118-122 |
4 |
Sloping turn of arbitrary shape at edge of half plane (in Russian) |
publ. |
Proceedings A.S. Azerb. Repub.Physics and Mathematics, 1980, N 2 |
4 |
Thersins arising under rolling of prismatic bars stuffed with raind rods (in Russian) |
publ. |
VINITI Moscow 19.10.1981, N 5029-81, p. 19 |
4 |
Rolling of prismatic bars with two circular cavities (in Russian) |
publ. |
Lecture A.S.Azerb. Repub., 1981, N 6, p. 13-16 |
3 |
Case of rolling circular bar weakened with straight line cut (in Russian) |
publ. |
Proceedings A.S. USSR, Mechanics of right body, N 5, 1985, p. 70-75 |
5 |
Rolling of quadratic bar with central round cavity and two cuts (in Russian) |
publ. |
Applied Mechanics, Kiev, 1986, v.22, N 4, p. 77-82 |
6 |
Determination of tensions in twisted bar of circular section with two cuts (in Russian) |
publ. |
Proceedings A.S. USSR, Mechanics of rigid body, Moscow, 1986, N 5, p. 187-192 |
5 |
Tension of round plats weakened with quadratic hole with two cuts (in Russian) |
publ. |
Proceedings A.S. USSR, Mechanics of rigid body, Moscow, 1987, N 6, p. 184-190 |
6 |
Investigation of tension field in twisted prismatic objects with different radial cuts (in Russian) |
publ. |
Applied Mechanics, 1989, Kiev, v.25, N 4, p. 121-124 |
3 |
Twisting of round bar weakened with two cavities of different shape (in Russian) |
publ. |
Proceedings A.S. USSR, Mechanics of rigid body, Moscow, 1989, N 4, p. 177-181 |
4 |
To solution of problems of elasticity theory by method of analytic functions (in Russian) |
publ. |
Applied Mechanics and Mathematics, v.53, Moscow, 1989, p. 852-856 |
4 |
Bend of polygon plate with central circular hole and two straight line cuts of different length (in Russian) |
publ. |
Proceedings A.S. USSR, Mechanics of rigid body, Moscow, 1990, N 6, p. 173-172 |
Temperatual bend of plate with straight line cuts (in Russian) |
publ. |
Proceedings A.S. of Russian Federation, MRB, 1993, N 2, p. 156-165 |
10 |
Stressed state of polygonal plate with central circular hollow and two linear cracks (in english) |
publ. |
Engineering Fracture Mechanics, v. 27, N 6, p.601-613, 1987, Printed in Great Britain |
13 |
Torsion of hollow prismatic bars with linear cracks (in english) |
publ. |
Engineering Fracture Mechanics, v. 32, N 6, p.795-806, 1989, Printed in Great Britain |
12 |
The bending of an anisotropy plate with a central circular cavity and two rectilinear (in english) |
publ. |
J. Appl. Maths Mechs., v. 57, N 2, p. 399-406, 1993, Printed Great Britain |
8 |
The bend of the circle beat with rectilinear cuts (in Russian) |
publ. |
Academy of sciences of Russian Federation MSB (mechanics of the Solid Body), 1995, N 6, p.155-162 |
8 |
The deformable-stressed situation in a polygonal plate with arced cracks |
publ. |
Academy of sciences of Russian Federation MSB (mechanics of the Solid Body), 1998, N 2, p.152-162 |
11 |
Two-dimensional problems of elasticity theory (in Russian) |
monograph |
Moscow, Stroyizdat, 1991, p. 352 |
Shorted course of theoretical mechanics (in azerb.) |
textbook |
Baku, Maarif Publishers, 1994, p. 260 |
Ayvazov E.B. |
Conformal reflections (in Russian) |
monograph |
Baku Politechnic Publishens, 1995, p.130 |
Elasticity theory (problems on the torsion and bending of prismatic bodies) (in azerb.) |
monograph |
Baku, Azerneshr, 1998, 210 p. |
13,1 pr.sh.. |
Some problems of elasticity theory (plane problem and the problem on bending of plates) (in azerb.) |
monograph |
Azerneshr, Baku, 2001, 400 p. |
25 pr.sh. |
Stress state of anisotropic plates (in azerb.) |
monograph |
Azerneshr, Baku, 2002, 254 p. |
15,8 pr.sh. |
Theoretical mechanics (brief course) (in azerb.) |
textbook |
Azerneshr, Baku, 2003, 356 p. |
22,5 pr.sh.. |
Ayvazov E.B. |
Stress state of compound polygonal plate (in english) |
manuscript |
Mechanics Research Communications, N 30, p.519-530.Columbia University,New-York, USA |
25 pr.sh. |
Stress state of polygonal plate with two unequal linear cracks (in russian) |
publ. |
Izd. Ross. Feder., MSB |
19 pr.sh. |
Conformally mapping functions of complex domains (in Russian and english) |
monograph |
Azerneshr, Baku, 2004, 372 p. |
23,3 pr.sh |
Stress state of a hollow raund cylinder with side holes under different pressure and temperature impact |
publ. |
Mechanics Research Communications N 35, 2008, p.172-180 |
Stress concentration in iniformly rotating circular plate weakened by an elliptic hole and two linear cracks |
publ. |
Academy of sciences of Russian Federation MSB (mechanics of the Solid Body), 2007, N 1, p.114-122 |
Stress state a plate from piecewise-homogeneous load |
publ. |
Academy of sciences of Russian Federation MSB (mechanics of the Solid Body), 2007, N 4, p.142-155 |
Uniform rotation of a polygonal plate weakened by two linear crack holes |
publ. |
Mechanics Research Communications N 37, 2010, p.184-190 |
Physical non-linear problems of elasticity theory (in Azerb. And English) |
monograph |
Azerneshr, Baku, 2010, 464 p. |
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